I wear sneakers with EVERYTHING right now, and I when I was re-upping for Fall I decided to go with an all white pair. I love the classic structure of the Puma Cali Sneakers. A sleek cut is best to wear with dresses and leggings, in my opinion so this was a great choice for me. I wear these sneakers a few days a week and have easily gotten my monies worth.
Usually, our Rule of 5 posts I’m mixing up old items with new items but I have to give a disclaimer almost all of what I’m sharing I bought this season. If you download and read The Rule of 5 E-Book, you’ll know I had to start my wardrobe from scratch a few years ago and to be transparent this is the first Fall season since I’ve been able to financially purchase the Fall wardrobe of my dreams. With that being said, your girl balled!
We’ve all been there! There has been a time in our life we’ve walked in our closet looking for something to wear only to be reminded of the items we purchased but still haven’t worn, tags still attached and all.
When we make impulse purchases we end up with a closet of one offs that we only have one other item to wear with it, if even that.
When we make impulse purchases we end up with a closet full of clothes yet still have NOTHING to wear. WHY are we like this?!
In 2013, after losing 20lbs, purging 90% of my closet and only having a clothing budget of $150 a month I was in desperate need of a high functioning wardrobe. That is when, why and how I created my #1 shopping rule, The Rule of 5.
I knew in order to still buy quality pieces I loved I was going to have to get creative (and disciplined) and that’s exactly what I did. Every single purchase I made for the following year was well thought out and 100% intentional. I had no room for impulse purchases, the function of my wardrobe couldn’t afford it.
I bet you don’t like throwing your money away, do you?
We all deserve to hit our financial goals (and best wardrobes) and a great starting point is to become more intentional with what we spend our money on.
I want you to be great in everything you do so I wrote a 24 page book to fully share The Rule of 5 with you. There’s even worksheets for you to brainstorm your goal wardrobe!
Just enter your email below for your FREE Rule of 5 guide to get started on your best wardrobe yet!

Sweater: this is a highly recommend! It is wool so it is itchy but with proper layering and cold temps I don’t feel the itch. This is the sweater I’ve been reaching for when temps drop, it’s warm and cozy. It is oversized so it’s perfect to wear with leggings, I sized up anyways, I could have absolutely gotten my size and it would have still fit perfect.
Leggings: the Spanx leather leggings were an item I put on my must have list last Winter so they were my first purchase this season. I wear mine with oversized sweaters, sweatshirts and hoodies. I am a person that does not subscribe to leggings as pants, I do not own any leggings, this is my first pair and I highly recommend them and think they’re a must have.

Sweater Dress: This dress is a favorite, for now it’s perfect with sneakers. I plan to pair it with booties and OTK boots when the temps drop. I bought this dress is my TTS and it fits perfect. It is a midi length, I’m 5’4″ for length reference.

Sweater: I bought this sweater to wear as a set with this skirt. This sweater is an easy throw on and go with denim, skirts and eff it, sweatpants! I bought my TTS but wish I would have purchased a size up because I love oversized sweaters.
Skirt: While I bought this skirt to wear as a set I’ve paired it with t-shirts, black body suits and a black turtleneck sweater. It looks amazing with all. The weight on this skirt is good, no cellulite shows! It fits TTS

This. Dress. Right. Here. *praise hands* So far this is my most worn dress or skirt from my Fall selection. I will say it’s only dropped below 68 degrees a few days so I haven’t been able to really break out the sweaters and sweaters dress. The fabric of this dress is a good weight and does not show cellulite, keep in mind I wear shorts under all my dresses to smooth any potential cellulite out.

This look is very similar to the first look, the difference is the short sweatshirt that gives us more of a sporty look versus chic.

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