If you haven’t noticed I am a quality over quantity girl, I low key preach it on every Rule of 5 post. How do you think I wear the same piece once a week, every week for a year without it falling a part? … I buy quality, that’s how! When you buy quality especially in classic silhouette’s you’ll have an item for years if not decades.
Case in point, this pair of high waist, paperbag, wide leg trousers were purchased 15 years ago. While I don’t wear them weekly, they have managed to last through every purge I’ve made in the last 15 years making them 1 of maybe 20 items ….. hey, I LOVE a good purge!
Why have they managed to make it through my extreme purging?? …
- They’re excellent quality, still look, feel and wear like new.
- They are a classic silhouette that is always in style.
- They are insanely flattering! They cinch the waist, making it took “tiny”, elongate the legs, and accentuate the bum justttt right!
- If I ever need a professional pair of pants, these are the ones I grab. I could also make these chic/sexy etc for GNO or date night with a bandeau top and strappy sandals … wait for that look when my abs arrive!
- Versatile as mentioned above 😉
If I purchased a pair of lower quality pants, they would not have lasted this long. I would have had to throw them out years ago from a hole or piling. In addition, quality tends to come with a better fit. So the way these hang, cup the booty or highlight the waist wouldn’t be the same if they were lower quality pants. I’ve found the fit of the booty is the biggest benefit in quality pants, that alone is worth the money!

BODYSUIT: This is a shaper bodysuit so it really holds you in and smooths you out. Because it is a shaper it’s tightttt so I recommend sizing up or be prepared to squeeze in. You can make it work and it will fit but getting it over your shoulders and buttoning the crouch will be a struggle at first.
TROUSERS: These pants are a solid 15 years old from Express, while they do have similar style now the quality isn’t on the same level of this old pair. During the last recession Express started doing 40% off sales and they never quite recovered so they continue to do 40% off sales because that’s now the only way they sell anything, unfortunately they conditioned their customers to expect their products to be 40% off. In order for them to still turn a profit they had to lower the quality of products so that there was no difference on their end money wise after that 40% off deduction. While I love Express, the quality of the products has decreased since this pair of pants was purchased.

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